
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

what makes you know its a scam

lots of sites are scams and here's how to detect them if the site has https and a green lock that means that site is safe. Some sites might have spaces in the URL that means its a scam site. we look at the site called tree octopus then the teacher asked us to tell them some facts about tree octopus. It looked so convincing that every thought that is was real but it really wasn't . The tree octopus was so fake because octopus don't live on land. Thats how to detect a scam site.

Monday, November 18, 2019

how to get out of the red zone

in homeroom we had to make a poster about the red zone in zone's regulation what I found easy was that getting the pictures the hard part was that the writing. but over all It was pretty easy mostly because I worked with a buddy and we got the work done really fast.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

shark speices

I made this shark spices doc because most of these sharks were extinct but me and my friend do about sixty shark spices it took us a very long time and a fun fact is shark are big fish. My friend did the writing and the called the shark spices out. the doc was team work and team work always. The hard part was that sometimes the spelling was hard so I had to call out how to spell he words.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


on Friday 8th of November the year 4 went clip and climbing  at the YMCA. I'v never been at the YMCA so I didn't know how high you climb. I was amazed 😱 when I saw how high we were climbing. when we climbed we had to put wear something around our waist and we clip it on and then you can start climbing .

Sunday, November 3, 2019

breathing tools

In zones of regulation we explored how to calm down when we get in the red zone. there was four Technics we could use 
lasy eight 
six sides of breathing
The five friends 
Take 5 breaths
lasy eight breathing is the infinite sign and when you are on the first side you breath in and on the other side you breath out. The six sides of breathing is a hexagon and on every side you do  an instruction and you start with the star. Take five breaths is you stretch your hand and you trace around your had and take breaths every time you trace your finger. The five friends of calm are push your hands together pull your hands apart push your hands down on your head squeeze and give your self a hug as hard as you can push against something hard now those are some Technics to stay in the green zone. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

quick fire fractions

In maths we had to do an activity called quick fire fractions. me and my friend Noah finished the questions and they were easy. only one or two questions were a little hard. I did money fractions too. they were a little hard but I still did them. by the way fractions are really fun which is a relief

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blindfold food challenge

for activity three in the summer learning Journey we had to do an blindfold challenge. I did the blindfold challenge with my sister. the food that she was eating was a spoon of peanut butter spread, netella  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Edible insects

For activity 20 we had to read an article about insects going for sale. The easiest part was disagreeing. I know that they said that its healthy but still there insects. I would not buy the for 2 dollars 80. Wouldn't even get it if it was for free. The reason I wouldn't get for free is because it doesn't look nice and ts still bugs.

Activity 5 Interview

For activity 5 we had to interview someone about their favourite food. I interviewed my sister. The hardest part was Sandra trying to pick her favourite food. These are my results.

Name: Sandra
Favourite food: Fish on the BBQ
Why do you like this food: Because its really yummy and it makes you smart. If you add lemon it gives it a better taste.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Math food questions

In task 15 we had to make three questions that equalled one hundred. The easy part was the making the questions. The hard part making sure they weren't to easy and weren't to hard. This was my second favourite task because my favourite subject is maths. Comment down below and think of a question that equals one hundred.

Fantastic Mr Fox Foods

For task 19 we had to create a restaurant I called my restaurant fantastic Mr fox foods. The easy thing was make the luxury slide the hardest thing was making the clothes for the staff. I think this was my favourite task in the spring learning journey. I enjoyed making the building of the restaurant. The logo on the staff shirts were fmff and that stands for fantastic Mr fox foods. I fell really proud of my work .

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

song for food

For task 8 we had to make music with song maker to help someone eat healthy food. I made a playful beat to make you enjoy your food. The essayist thing was playing around to see the best tunes that work together. The hardest thing was getting the screencastify on my blog post.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Egyptian Foods

Here are some of Egyptian traditional foods I picked Egypt because my parents were born there. The hard part was finding the facts of the foods .the easiest part was the slide for macaroni bechamel I found interesting facts when I researched about Egyptian foods. I realised that there was more than I thought. Lot's of these foods I have already tried but I never knew what or how they were made.

Would you rather

Would you never be able to eat ice cream again or never be able to eat cake again that's a hard one for me. How I would figure this out It would take me time. sadly one of my favourite food is sadly ice cream cake. I think I would stop eating ice cream because when you make a cake you can make it with several flavour's and you can make cake look cool. The bad thing about ice cream is that if it's a sunny day your ice cream will melt. That means that you can't enjoy the flavour by cake would never melt that's why I picked never be able to eat ice cream again.

cupcake recipe

This recipe is the only one we use because it tastes the best out of all the ones we have tried. My sister and I always make then by our self's. it dose't take a long time to make them and there not a waste of time. . I found this task quite simple. The recipe is secret to my family.You can put icing on top if you prefer.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

alhphabetical foods

For activity 9 we had to try think of foods that started with each letter of the alphabet. some of these foods are from different countries some of these foods I haven't tried .This activity was like a brain teaser. I found this activity tricky because I'm not a fan of foods..

Fish nuggets
Hash browns
Ice cream
upside down cake
vanilla wafers 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Healthy Foods

These are 10 healthy food I haven't tried before. some of these do't sound appetising and other people say that some of them are disgusting.Most of these I don't eat because of the looks of them. But I will try to eat them in the future. This was an easy task for me.

10 healthy foods I haven't tried before:

1. Avocado
2. blue berries
3. Chia seeds 
4. Kale 
5.Shell fish 
7.Brown rice
10. Chili pepper


today we went to the marae for a trip in south hornby school to the marae in christchurnch it was a bus drive to the marae when we got there a lady and she chose a male boy to be the chief then we walking and standed on the foot path and a perfomance took place then the chief got gaven a branch of a leave tree then we went in side and then a another performance to place then after that there was the story of how mauie found his mum and how he found his dad after that we wen toutside and learned some games then we had morning tea then we went back on the bus to south hornby school.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

charter strenths y chart

in home room time we had to make a y chart about our charter strengths it was easy and to make it easier there was a sheet that had options to pick from I picked creative ,funny and fair a y chart is a chart that had there spaces and like a y then we had to put a picture of us in the middle and put our name under it

Sunday, September 22, 2019

our place our place

in homeroom time we have been making posters about a space in the classroom me kahu and oliver made a poster about the wet space our task was to see ,feel, and lound like

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

cyber safety

Hey readers,
In cyber smart we had  to choose a biteable or a powtoon about cyber safety. I made a biteable because it was easier for me and it was fun to do a biteable, it was an easy task. The point of the task was to tell people to be safe online, here's some quick tips:

1. Keep your personal information private.
2. When something doesn't feel right you tell someone you trust.
3. Be nice to people like you are on the playground respectful talk to people nicely like you would in real life.
4. People are not always who they say they are.
Here's my biteable. In the comments, please write your tips for cyber safety
cyber safety on Biteable.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

hi readers
today in math we had to make a screen castiffy about multiplication in parts my eaxample was 4x65
heres my screen castiffy its quite short 3 minutes and 34 seconds its was an easy task but it might be an hard eaxmple for some's my video below

Monday, September 2, 2019

donut math strand

this week in maths we had a brain teaser about  a dount the brain teaser was if you could a dount with three cuts and make eight equail picses heres the question and my answer

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

pigon post

today in reading we read a book called pigon post and then we had a activity to make a pigon post to someone i did it to my sister in midelton grange school


powtoon is a site on google and it is an site like drive but you can precent it in a way like drive in powtoon you can make adds, slides and videos I started with a blank template if you put pro pictures and you don't have pro and you douwload it will say take the pro out then you can download 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

math strand pictograpgh

today in maths strand we did a sheet with a pictograpgh it was double sided on the front there was an example and  some questions at the front at the back there is a grapgh I have to fill in it was easy the key was one carton was counted as two here is my pictures down below   

Thursday, August 15, 2019

math strand pictographs

today in maths strand we learned about pictographs A pictographs is a graph that shows data through pictures.below is mine. I did how much water I drink every week

Thursday, August 8, 2019


today we had to make a graf about five chosices the first chosce i picket my the class favourite fast food was here a grafic of the class favourite it was easy but a bit tricky

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

phonic's flip book

in phonic's we made a flip book about parts of speech it was kinda like a book but we had five section the first was noun,verb adjective,pronoun and adverb then i stuck a pisce of paper under it then under each flap i put the meaning of them un der the flapT

Monday, August 5, 2019


today in reading we read the book first light the history of telescopes then our activity was to make a telescope and label it too there was two types of telescopei picked a refracting telescope

Sunday, August 4, 2019

today in maths we did a maths starter of the day it was a multiplication puzzel i did it with my friends tyler, oscar, and my other friend tyler it was chalanging but we got through the hardest thing in the puzzel was finding the pisces and the multiplication was a bit hard too. to make it easer we did the coners first it made it a lot easer.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

today in math's our group had a brain teaser it was an sudoku is was hard because is was a six by six suduko but i got through it me and my friends finished at the same time but i got one thing wrong the right side of the suduko was hard so i started from the left side i think suduko's are hard but 4 by 4s are my favourite here's the suduko

Sunday, June 30, 2019

math starter of the day

today in maths we did a math starter it was easy the answer was 68 and we had to make a question to the answer 68 my question was 136 divide by 2 = 68

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

to persuade somone

today in writing we had to write persuade writng i found it easy but not hard I write about parents should let kids read seven books to get a free pizza here's my writing

Class weekly warm up- find the mystery number

to day in maths it was problem solveing day every thusday we have problem solveing day here's the question and my answer I found this tast easy but a bit tricky me and my friends go it right my aswer was 80

Sunday, June 23, 2019

easy brain teaser

today in mths we did an activity it was so easy it might be hard if you're not go with numbers but i think you can do it if you have an answer put it in the comments here's the question and my answer

Thursday, June 20, 2019

math strand

today in maths we did an math strand it was fun we had to make a map and put a composs on it too.
i did a big map i did a roblox jailbreak map  it took me a long took me a long time t complete it i used two pages but  there was not enough space to draw a whole intire map i like doing maps

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

today in writing we had to make a question mark poster and a exclamation mark poster here's myposter i found it really easy not a bit hard

Monday, June 17, 2019


today in writing we had to write about Comma's here is my poster 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

brain teaser

Today in maths we had to do an brain teaser it was so easy here are my answers and here is the question my friend Tyler got two answers so good gob to him I got 1 Zio and 7 Zepts my next answer was 15 zios and 1 Zepts put your answers in the coments

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


hey readers

today in maths we had to fill in three suduko's they were easy claps I was one of the first people to finish the three suduko here a picture tell me in the comments how hard/easy it was

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Haiku peoms

today in writing we made Haiku poems we learent  how to make a Haiku peoms I did 5 peoms it was easy but  it was about winter

Sunday, June 9, 2019

problem sovleing maths

in maths today we had to do a brain teaser we had to pick a number out of: 54,72,24 and 111 I picked the number 111 I had to make problems out of the number 111 here are my answers:
there are lots more but it will take so long tell me In the comments what number you picket and how much answers did you get 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

hanssel and greatle

today we did a math strand it was hard and easy we had to make a map of the story of hanssel and greatle me michell and kahu conected our maps togother we made a big map it took us ages to finish the map when we did the map.all of us were laughing and talking about what we were going to draw on the map I drawed foot prints,kahu drawed the jinger bread house,mitchell drawed hanssel and greatle house

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

jack frost

Have you been in cold ice at the temperature of negative 1 I know you might say that is cold, Jack frost is a killer he makes people fall on ice well the real story is that he likes ice and he make ice wherever he wants, most people say Jack frost is not real and that includes me.If Jack frost was real there would be lots of trouble I bet you.when I went outside my rabbits water was ice i told my sister that the rabbits water was ice she stepped in to the ice the ice was one layer my sister go so wet,poor sandra.I saw drizing ice on my car, the handle of my door had ice on it my hands were like a piece of ice,soon I was warm because my car was heated,I felt really.When I got out of my car I shivered.

The end

that was my writing you think it was good tell me in the comments